Clarion for Windows in .Net Framework


Clarion Integrator .Net

New!!! Support .Net directly in Clarion for Windows

Vertical and Horizontal System Integration programs for Windows and .Net Framework

Clarion for Windows Clarion .Net, C# and VB.Net


I have discovered that it is very easy to use .NET development together with Clarion.Net. And now I prefer to use .NET and the visual tools provided by Microsoft and Soft Velocity. I would not spend any more time on Clarion for Windows if only the developement is not connected with Net Framework. And I expect even more from Clarion.Net.

Clarion.Net RTL

New Templates for C#, VB.Net, Clarion.Net

New Code Generation

System Integration

Clarion Integrator .Net




Бесплатный конструктор сайтов - uCoz